Check it out!
"Fucking love this because it is soo true, all them ass whoppings and marches and everything they did for us all to get equal rights have all gone down the fucking drain and are being forgotten about because our generation today just decides to be a bunch of ignorant motherfuckers and chose never to give a damn bout the past. And now chose to make fools out of ourselves instead of pushing ourselves beyond and outta the ghettos and to make something much greater of ourselves. The Boondocks=Truth!" - elwatusi92
"100 Million Dollars, pocket change nigga"
Drake "Miss Me" from John W on Vimeo .
"If you got eyes look at me now, BITCHHH"
prelude to a freestyle. from Jay Electronica on Vimeo . Here goes free from the homie Jay Elec over Ye's Dark Fantasy beat. Trus...
About Damn Time! It's FINALLY here and I havent listened to it yet, but the cover has me excited ;) I've been waiting for this for...
J Cole - Friday Night Lights (shot by BBGUN) from bbgun on Vimeo . Its soo close I can smell it, Its gone be real "Cole" u...
Now just watch those 2 videos and think that he's the guy that the Lakers have to rely on to win a championship this year. He's ...
This is one guy who has quickly become one of my favorite artists and I have been anticipating this tape since I found out about it. I...
I actually like the decision to go to a major label and especially Atlantic because I've only seen them stick behind their guys. I me...
Wiz comes back to hit us with the second version of the street anthem that was Cabin Fever , although there's no Lex Luger on this on...