This version of the Freshman Cypher has Yelawolf, Kendrick Lamar, Lil B, Cyhi Da Prince. Not gonna lie before I listened I was like they fugged the opportunity for the perfect cypher by putting in Lil B instead of K.R.I.T. [by the way I still think they blew it] but I gotta say the Based God impressed lol he didnt suck and I actually thought it.....was....a...little bit....good. Kendrick once AGAIN shined the brightest but the cypher was good. And since K.R.I.T. wasnt in this one I now have a reason to watch the last cypher, but he better not drop a verse from a song he releases this month again -.-
But all I can say is......
LMAO this is so gay no matter what he was crying for